Chikeitha Owens is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas and a Certified Bariatric Counselor certified by the American Association of Bariatric Counselors.
Chikeitha Owens is the owner of Abundance of Hope Counseling. Chikeitha Owens has over 15 years of experience in the field of mental health. She holds a MA in Professional Counseling from Argosy University of Dallas and a BS in Psychology from Southwestern Adventist University.
She began her career working as a Mental Health Professional at Dallas Metrocare Behavioral Healthservices and Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. She also worked with Nexus Recovery Center helping individuals with substance abuse addiction and mental health. She continues to work with her general population (family, couples, individuals, and young adults) with depression, anxiety, addiction, and trauma but has shifted to focusing more on weight loss and behavior modification services working with patients who have a need for weight loss or Bariatric Support. She is the founder of this site (www.dfwwaitloss.com) and of the 12-Week WAIT Management Solution Focused Counseling Course. Chikeitha Owens is also a speaker and speaks on all of the topics that she works with including weight loss and mental health.
Abundance of Hope Counseling
Licensed Therapist/Owner
Phone: (214) 783-075
Website: www.abundanceofhope.com
Email: info@chikeithaowens.com